Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Verbum Hodiernum: SOLEO

Today's word is the verb SOLEO, which means "to be accustomed to, in the habit of," with a complementary infinitive. The participle, solitum, means "that which is customary, the usual thing." Note that the perfect passive, solitum est, is usually substituted for the perfect active.

In English, we get a few words from this Latin root, such as "insolent," which takes its meaning from something that is unusual or immoderate, and ultimately takes on the purely negative connotation of immoderate behavior or arrogance. Another English word from this root is "obsolete," something that has fallen out of use.

Here are some examples of today's word in Latin sayings and proverbs:

Cum mercede labor gratior esse solet.

Rara esse nimis res pretiosa solet.

Non solet esse incruenta victoria.

Saepe solet similis filius esse patri.

Spes fallere saepe solet.

Mater timidi flere non solet.

Redire saepe fraus in auctorem solet

Solet aliud sentire, aliud loqui

Legem solet oblivisci iracundia

Arcus tensus rumpi solet.

Nimium tendendo rumpi funiculus solet.

Iteranti culpam venia dari non solet.

Servari haud una navis ancora solet.

Turbari sine ventis non solet aequor.

Posteriora solent esse deteriora.

Victi silere solent , canere victores.

Pictor poetaque esse liberi solent.

Praevisa minus tela nocere solent.

Similes similibus coniungi solent.

Saepe potestatem solita est superare voluntas.


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