Sunday, April 24, 2011

Verbum Hodiernum: SOL

Today's word is the third declension noun SŌL (sōlis, m. - note the long o in the stem), meaning "sun." Capitalized, Sol, the word refers to a Sun God, equivalent to the Greek god Helios.

The Latin phrase sol oriens, "sun rising," refers to the east, and is the origin of the English words "Orient" and "Oriental," referring to the East. The phrase sol occidens, "sun setting," refers to the west, and is the origin of the English words "Occident" and "Occidental," referring to the West. The phrase dies solis, "day of the sun," gives us English "Sunday."

From this Latin root, we get the English words "solar" and "solarium." A "parasol" offers protection against the sun. The Latin solstitium, when the "sun stands (still)," gives us English "winter solstice" and "summer solstice," which mark the shortest and longest days of the year.

Here are some examples of today's word in Latin sayings and proverbs; for more information, see the page at the Scala Sapientiae, which contains notes on some of the proverbs cited below, as well as additional proverbs:

Mentis sol amor dei.

Nihil sub sole novum.

Sol stat, sed terra movetur.

Cum sol oritur, omnibus oritur.

Sol oculus mundi.

Mundus non capit duos soles.

Nulla sine sole umbra.

Sol omnia aperit.

Cum sol oritur, stellae fugiunt.

Sub sole, sub umbra, crescens.

Scientia sol mentis.

Sole oriente, fugiunt tenebrae.

Sole orto, spes ; descendente, pax.

Sub sole nihil perfectum.

Sol efficit ut omnia floreant.

Vidi sub sole nec velocium esse cursum nec fortium bellum.

Sol omnibus lucet.

Blandi post nubila soles.

Post nubila, sol.

Post noctem spero diem, post nubila solem.

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