Friday, February 11, 2011

Verbum Hodiernum: EXPONO

Today's word is the verb EXPONO (exponere, exposui, expositum). From the Latin word we get quite a few English words. The most obvious ones are "expose" (along with the French exposé) and "exposition" (and also its shortened form "expo"). In addition to the verb "expose," there is also the verb "expound." There is also the mathematical term "exponent."

The difference in meaning between the verbs "expose" and "expound" gives you a sense of the range of meanings of the Latin verb. In a simply physical sense, the word means to "put out, lay open, expose," but it also has the metaphorical meaning of "explain, relate, expound."

Here are some examples of today's word in Latin sayings and proverbs:

Qui se exponit periculo, peribit in illo.

Vita humana multis est exposita fortunae iniuriis.

Qui omnibus se periculis exponit, vel tandem periclitabitur.

Versibus exponi tragicis res comica non vult.

Since I don't have too many proverbs for this one, I thought I would also include an Aesop's fable that uses this verb:
346. Canis et Domicilium Eius. Hieme contractus et implicitis membris cubans, canis, quo minus frigori EXPOSITUM esset corpus, spatium illud ad domum faciendam in qua viveret designavit. Postea, in aestate membra expandens et corpus extendens, animadvertit notatum spatium non magis convenire neque se capere posse, itaque nec necesse nec facile sibi esse tantas aedes extruere.

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