Saturday, October 15, 2011

Verbum Hodiernum: MORS

Today's word is MORS, which is a a third-declension feminine noun, genitive mortis.

Latin meaning and usage: The Latin word means "death," with a range of metaphorical meaning quite similar to the English word.

Latin word formation: The root -mort is extremely production in Latin, and can be seen also in the participle of the verb morior - mortuus. Some of the most common are the adjectives mortalis (immortalis), and mortifer, along with the abstract nouns mortalitas (immortalitas).

English cognates and derivatives: In English we still use the Latin phrases rigor mortis and post mortem, along with words like "mortal" and "immortal." We also get the verb "amortize" from the Latin Latin admortire.

Here are some examples of today's word in Latin sayings and proverbs; for more examples, see the page at the Scala Sapientiae, which also contains notes on some of the proverbs cited below:

Mors nec bonum nec malum est.

Mors tua, vita mea.

Post mortem nihil est, ipsaque mors nihil.

Quis est vir qui vivat et non videat mortem?

Nihil nisi mors certum est.

Nihil morte certius.

Mors sequitur; vita fugit.

Vita sine litteris mors est.

Fac bene dum vivis, post mortem vivere si vis.

Omnium finis mors est.

Mors omnibus parata est.

Mors omnia solvit.

Somnus est frater mortis.

Qualis vita, mors est ita.

Beata morte nihil beatius.

Nemo ante mortem beatus est.

Mors et vita in manibus linguae.

Mors sua quemque manet.

Mors servat legem: tollit cum paupere regem.

Ubi omnis vita metus est, mors est optima.

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