Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Verbum Hodiernum: SANCTUS

Today's word is SANCTUS, the perfect participle of the verb sancire, meaning "to render sacred," so sanctus is that which is sacred or blessed. In Christian Latin, it acquires the special meaning of "saint," and the English word "saint" is ultimately derived from Latin sanctus. This is a word that was widely used in classical Latin, though, even before its special importance in Christian Latin; for a sense of the range of Roman uses of the word, take a look at the Lewis & Short dictionary entry.

From the same Latin root we also get the English words "sanction," "sanctuary," "sanctify," "sacrosanct," etc.

Here are some examples of today's word in Latin sayings and proverbs:

Si radix sancta, et rami.

Sanctus amor patriae dat animum.

Amicitiae sanctum et venerabile nomen.

Sanctissimum est meminisse, cui te debeas.

Sancta sancte tractanda sunt.

Qui conversatur cum sanctis, sanctus erit.

Non poscunt sancti quod negatur a Deo.

Non omnis Martinus sanctus.

Non omnes sancti qui calcant limina templi.

Non omnes sancti sunt qui delubra deorum intrant.

Hypocrita non appetit sanctus esse, sed vocari.

Vincit sanctos dira libido.

Corrumpunt etiam sanctos commercia prava.

Sancta sanctorum.

Veni, Sancte Spiritus.

Spiritus Sanctus te illuminet.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

Pretiosa est in oculis Domini mors sanctorum eius.


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